Chicken flying dog jumping: How to use Chinese to describe a big mess?

1 min readDec 10, 2022


Do you know what is the most abundant thing in the world?

It’s trouble. Because every day there is a new mess to deal with, that’s why life is so tiring. Learn how to use Chinese idioms to describe those things that make you angry!

Photo by Thomas Iversen on Unsplash

雞飛狗跳(jī fēi gǒu tiào): to cause a total mess

  1. 雞jī: chicken
  2. 飛fēi : to fly
  3. 狗gǒu: dog
  4. 跳tiào: to jump, to hop, to skip over, to bounce, to palpitate


Scared the chickens into flying, scared the dogs to jump around. This idiom describes a panic, or a mess caused by people, and this idiom can also refer to the chaos caused by panic.


  • 新郎的前女友突然出現在婚禮,把現場搞得雞飛狗跳。
  • Xīnláng de qián nǚyǒu túrán chū xiànzài hūnlǐ, bǎ xiànchǎng gǎo dé jī fēi gǒu tiào
  • Groom’s ex-girlfriend shows up at wedding and throws things into chaos.
  • 他爸爸有賭博的壞習慣,每次輸錢就會回家大鬧一場,把家裡搞得雞飛狗跳。
  • Tā bàba yǒu dǔbó de huài xíguàn, měi cì shū qián jiù huì huí jiā dà nào yīchǎng, bǎ jiālǐ gǎo dé jī fēi gǒu tiào.
  • His father has a bad habit of gambling, and every time he loses money, he will go home and make a big fuss, making the family a mess.




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