Expression of today: a rat dropping in the porridge

Nov 29, 2022


A fly in ointment, an ant on honey, a horse in the middle of the road…Learn to use this expression in Chinese to talk about imperfections in our daily!

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥(Yī kē lǎoshǔ shǐ huàile yīguōzhōu): A rat droppings ruined a pot of porridge, a fly in the ointment


Zhè gōngsī yǒu tā jiù juéduì huì kuǎtái, jiǎnzhí shì yī kē lǎoshǔ shǐ huàile yīguōzhōu

This company will definitely collapse with him, it’s like a rat dropping ruined a pot of porridge.




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