Wind and rain: How to show your determination in Chinese?

2 min readDec 9, 2022

There must be such a person around everyone: He will persevere to the end as long as he makes up his mind, and will not give up no matter what happens. To be honest, I admire the perseverance and determination of persons like this. How can we use Chinese idioms to describe this personality trait?

Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

風雨無阻(fēng yǔ wú zǔ): come rain or shine

  1. 風fēng: wind, news, style, custom, manner
  2. 雨yǔ : rain
  3. 無wú : not to have, no, none, not, to lack, un-, -less
  4. 阻zǔ: to hinder, to block, to obstruct


It cannot be stopped even by wind and rain. A person’s determination is so strong that it cannot be resisted no matter what the weather is.


  • 小宏在十公里外的一所學校讀書,四年來風雨無阻,從來沒缺席或遲到過。
  • Xiǎo hóng zài shí gōnglǐ wài de yī suǒ xuéxiào dúshū, sì niánlái fēngyǔ wúzǔ, cónglái méi quēxí huò chídàoguò.
  • Xiao Hong studies in a school ten kilometers away. He has never been absent or late for four years, come rain or shine.
  • 他從很久之前就參加了地方的淨灘志願活動,這幾年來不管發生什麼事都風雨無阻。
  • Tā cóng hěnjiǔ zhīqián jiù cānjiāle dìfāng de jìng tān zhìyuàn huódòng, zhè jǐ niánlái bu guǎn fāshēng shénme shì dōu fēngyǔ wúzǔ.
  • He has participated in local beach cleaning volunteer activities for a long time, and no matter what happens in the past few years, he continues to participate whether it comes rain or shine.




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